Research disproved the global warming explanation said for the american cold wave.
During the months of December 2013 and January 2014 was caused by the excessive snow and ice deposits formed in the Arctic region during August
2013. Last year, fifty states in the U.S. experienced heavy snow fall during the months of December 2013 and January 2014. America was worst hit by this unexpected onslaught and it has also severely impacted the routine life there.In this situation, my research, based on the information released in the internet, found out that the snow fall that devastated America was the aftermath of the unusual formation of extensive ice deposits in the Arctic
Now, the snow fall of America is explained on the basis of the “Global Warming” conception.
Specifically, it is explained that the ice deposits on the surface of the sea in the North Polar Region melted and the resultant sea water on the surface
of the sea in the North Polar Region evaporated by the sun’s heat, rose up. This affected the polar vortex, which usually circles the middle and upper
troposphere and extends into stratosphere. This further altered the path of the polar vortex, which widely spread over the entire North American
continent causing heavy snowfall.
But the British Meteorological Department has found out from the records of 30,000 stations which recorded weather that during the past seventeen
years, i.e. from 1997 to 2014, the world’s temperature had not risen at all.
Hence the explanation given for the widespread snowfall in America last year, during the months of December 2013 and January 2014 on the basis
of the “Global Warming” conception is totally wrong.
In the year 2007, BBC released a news item stating that a study conducted by Prof. Dr. Wieslaw Maslowski and researchers of NASA has predicted
that particularly in the month of September 2013, the North Polar Region might be ice-free.
But contrary to the predictions of those “Global Warming” scientists, Arctic Region was not only not sea ice-free, but unusually ice had formed in an
area of around 5,33,000 square miles amounting to 29 percent of additional ice formation in the Arctic Region, and this was captured in the satellite
images of NASA.
Hence, it is proved with evidence that the unusual excessive formation of ice in the Arctic Region is the sole reason for the heavy snowfall in
There is also a possibility that this incident would recur if excessive ice is again formed in the Arctic Region. So, America, Canada and European
nations may be alerted on these grounds.